2019-04-11 Minutes

Board of Trustees                                                                          April 11, 2019

West Blount Fire & EMS District


The Board of Trustees for West Blount Fire and Emergency Medical Services District met at Fire Station No. 1 on April 11, 2019, and was called to order at 7:20 PM by Greg Reid, chair, with opening prayer by Billy Giddy.  All Trustees were present (Marty Stover on speaker phone) plus JJ Ivey, Chief, Melissa Thomas, Treasurer,  Diane Cox & Lisa Morgan, Billing Managers.      


The minutes of the March 14, 2019 meeting were accepted on motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Billy Giddy. 


Financial report – The operating balance for March was $494,885.19.  Total receipts were $129,426.20, including dues of $120,132.23.  Total expenses were $31,626.73, including payroll of $23,768.69.   Included with the report was the first quarter Profit and Loss Detail.


The Financial Report was accepted on motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Billy Giddy.


Chief’s Report


Total calls for March were 128 (including 6 out-of-area -- Locust Fork 1, Bangor 3, Mt. High/Rice Town 1, Nectar 1): 72 medical, 15 auto accidents, 1 911, 4 structure fires, 2 vehicle fires, 5 investigative, 10 assist, 3 wild fires, 5 fire alarms, 4 tree down, 2 wire down and 5 public service.


Other items discussed include:

  • Bangor is having some difficulty in providing full coverage to their area.  We are currently covering fire and/or wrecks.  Board chair, John Cates, would like us to cover everything.  What would need to be done is the same thing we did when we established the district, a petition would have to be presented with signatures of registered voters to either form their own district or request to be annexed into West Blount.  This would be put on the ballot at the next election and voted on by the registered voters of the area presently covered by Bangor.
  • Rescue truck 1993 has been sold to the Blount County Coroner, for $8,000.


The Chief’s report was accepted on motion by Marty Stover, seconded by Annette Cox.


Old Business


Billing Update – At the end of March there were 64 total CLA’s on file.  One new account was added, and four have been paid in full.  The attorneys have a total of 232 accounts, with nine having paid in full during March.  Received from MSN in March was $4,150.53, making a total collected through them of $25,202.04.  There are 1400 accounts in the system totaling $419,597.02, which includes all outstanding dues from the beginning.   Two new accounts were added in March, two properties that are vacant, 76 exemptions approved and two denied through March this year.




Fire District Board of Trustees –April 11, 2019                                          page 2


Trucks – We have received an offer of $20,000 from Cleveland Fire Department for Engine 54.  Dolores Fort moved, seconded by Annette Cox to sell the engine to Cleveland for $20,000.  Motion passed. 


With this sale, there will still be a balance of about $20,000 for the purchase of the new rescue truck which will be housed at Station 2.  Annette Cox moved, seconded by Billy Giddy to order the rescue truck at a maximum price of $60,000.  Motion passed.


The ’78 model ladder truck failed the pump test and it will take about $15,000 to $20,000 to fix it.  Current value is about $2,500.  Quotes on the ladder truck will be obtained and presented at the May meeting.    


New Business -  none


The next meeting will be May 9, 2019, 7:00 PM at Fire Station 1.


The meeting was adjourned on motion by Annette Cox at 8:05 PM.





Annette Cox                               

Dolores Fort                               

Billy Giddy                                 

Greg Reid

Marty Stover (by speaker phone)

JJ Ivey

Melissa Thomas

Diane Cox

Lisa Morgan


2 guests were present                



                                                                                Submitted by                                                                                                               Dolores Fort
